About us
What is The Fellowship?
The Fellowship of Worship Artists exists to assist worship leaders in creating meaningful worship experiences that bring people into deeper relationships with God and each other. The South Carolina chapter holds a workshop once or twice a year as an opportunity for worship leaders throughout the state to gather for inspirational programming, browsing worship materials for purchase, and spending time with colleagues in similar leadership positions.

We Are
- Musicians, clergy, dancers, artists, lay ministers, and others, all involved in creating, supporting and implementing worship in local congregations.
- An affiliate of The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship, and serve as a resource for all worship artists.
- An open fellowship that provides training on all aspects of worship through events, publications, webinars, and the myriad connections that are made with other worship leaders.
Our Calling
Our Mission
- Worship Arts that lead to spirituality and faith formation.
- Relationships that lead to hospitality, fellowship and nurture.
Our Structure
The Fellowship is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service and operates within the confines of its Bylaws and Standing Rules.
Welcoming All God’s Children
A Statement of Welcome
The Fellowship of Worship Artists is a community of diverse worship artists who are not of one mind on a wide range of theological and cultural issues. We acknowledge that we have been blessed by the gifts and presence of a variety of people. We covenant to uphold the sacred worth and dignity of all persons, without exception. We welcome all into membership and leadership in The Fellowship, including:
- persons with divergent theological and political convictions, even as we seek to emphasize our connectedness and unity in Christ;
- persons of all races, cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic conditions;
- persons at all places on the spectrum of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression;
- persons of various ages and life experiences, and persons who are differently abled.
Christ made no mistake in opening the table of grace to everyone. Therefore, our membership and its leaders commit to embrace one another with boundless compassion and affirmation so that the reign of God might be made known “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Meet our leadership
The SC Fellowship Board
The South Carolina Fellowship is governed by a board of directors consisting of musicians throughout the state. Reach out to any of us if you have questions about involving your church in the upcoming events.
Debbie Bauer, President
Shandon UMC, Columbia
Vice-President (Vacant)
Debbie Jaillette, Secretary
St. Luke UMC, Lancaster
Sam Courtney, Treasurer
Tabernacle UMC, Lancaster
Jason Barrs, Past President
Eddie Huss
Shandon UMC, Columbia
Christopher Nash
St. John’s UMC, Aiken
David Salter
St. John/Warrenville UMC, Graniteville
Keeley DiMartino
Bluffton UMC, Bluffton
We all enjoy Music and the Arts, and want to learn more about how to use them as a catalyst for Worship!